


A Delightful Confession Song/喜びに満ちた告白を歌う

A Delightful Confession Song Oh my gosh. I must be my silly instinct's slaveI need to eat and drink if I am getting slimmerIf I drank a lot, then my stomach would start its raveTherefore I confess it, then my story will become other's glim…


探究(1) (講談社学術文庫) 作者:柄谷 行人 講談社 Amazon ぼくは読書メーターというサイトで読書の記録をつけているのだけれど、およそ3年前にこの柄谷行人『探究I』を読み通してその寸評を書いている。だけど、その寸評を読み返しても「え、こんな本だった…

I Trust The Trust/信じることを信じる

I Trust The Trust When I was seventeen, I pretended to be a deadWhat a miserable youth! I thought I had lost the rightAfter those days, I spent my life drunken in the bedBut as The Smiths sings, in my mind there was a certain bright light …

Life is big/人生は大きくて

Life is big A teacher said to me "Please tell me your dream!"I was a kid. She said I could become what I wanted to beI couldn't describe my thought. I even made a screamNow I become a nameless worker, and live like a tiny bee But I don't w…

A Bridge From A Fridge/冷蔵庫から生まれる橋

A Bridge From A Fridge It seems my mind is like a fridgeAt last, I've found a dream of becoming a bridgeA bridge, where people can encounter each otherThey might call them as a sister or a brother Yes, that must be too enormous to carryI c…


私はどうして私なのか―分析哲学による自我論入門 (岩波現代文庫) 作者:大庭 健 岩波書店 Amazon いつもながらこれは「青臭い」を通り越して、実に「幼稚極まりない」問いかなとも思うのだけれどそれでもいまなおぼくは「ぼくとは何だろう」と考え込むことが…

Crying For The Moon/月を求めて泣く

Crying For The Moon The normal human being is what once I wanted to beI tried so hard, but had to look at my kneeI can't change my shape, I must be hard as a treeI live this life with stubborn style, and that's me But what is normal? I've …

若松英輔『詩と出会う 詩と生きる』と内宇宙のドライブ

詩と出会う 詩と生きる 作者:英輔, 若松 NHK出版 Amazon 実を言うと先日、詩について仲間内でプレゼンをする機会をもらった。そしてその席でぼくはこの若松英輔の仕事について教わったのだった。若松の『詩と出会う 詩と生きる』では文字通りどのようにして…

Emotion Apples/感情りんご

Emotion Apples A critic says that you should write what you feelDon't try to think, just feel. Then it becomes a good dealI try to follow that way, but it's like catching an eelTherefore I sometimes give up trying... but I won't steal A fr…