


Dead Letters Ocean/死文字海

Dead Letters Ocean I remember that once I tried to stop my life, my timeAfter recovering from that, a friend told it's a crimeYes, now I can understand it. But you know that's I'mI couldn't understand the truth I had to treat as a prime I …

To Somewhere Nice/ナイスなところに向かって

To Somewhere Nice At a café, we enjoyed some songs of David ByrneSuddenly she asked to me, "Hey, why do you learn?"I thought of so many answers. To grow up, or to earnTime passed and it became another song's turn I could answer this, "I le…

After The Alcohol Abuse/アルコール漬けの日々のあと

After The Alcohol Abuse My boss used to say I'm too autistic to useThat's why I had done alcohol abuseNow I quit alcohol and enjoy Keith Richard's bluesYou might say it's uncool, but this is the life I choose I've worked in the same place …

Blue Sky Blues/青空小唄

Blue Sky Blues Why this kind of blue, beautiful sky makes me cry?I look up as if to pray God. But I can't say the reason whyJust Bob Dylan's blues sounds gracefully. I say "Oh my!"This scenery is gorgeous... I even can feel the expectation…

First Word, First Care/最初の言葉、最初の孝行

First Word, First Care How did I find the first word to speak?I try to find it, but I can't be a critiqueI'm just an amateur, and even worse, a freakYou know, some co-workers say I'm just a poem geek As an amateur, I imagine the day I said…


田村隆一詩集 (現代詩文庫 第 1期1) 作者:田村 隆一 思潮社 Amazon 言葉とは何だろう。現代詩文庫『田村隆一詩集』を読んでいて、あたかもぼくは書き手の田村隆一の「声」を聞いてしまったようなそんな気持ちになった。それは単に目で読んですんなり腑に落ち…


A boat, beneath a sunny sky (written by Lewis Carroll) A boat, beneath a sunny skyLingering onward dreamilyIn an evening of July - Children three that nestle near,Eager eye and willing ear,Pleased a simple tale to hear - Long has paled t…


Skygazer I always feel like a baby when I start to writeNo one once told me I must have the rightBut now, I can feel a certain esteem so I say it's alrightAll I try to do is just to record this precious sight But, Hey, Why this scenery is …

Rapid I Movement/急速ぼく運動

Rapid I Movement Though I am 48 now, my head has a lot of whyThose questions always buzz, and never say to me good-byeI keep on asking them even though my vitality will become dryThis is my life. For example, I start asking "Why I should d…


Esprit A famous star says tomorrow is another dayIf I were a teenager, it would sound dismayCause I even thought why today is today. "Hey!That kind of banal thing is all the thing you can say?" Now I feel that star's saying is cool and rea…


本は読めないものだから心配するな (ちくま文庫) 作者:管 啓次郎 筑摩書房 Amazon この文を書くにあたってぼくは自分の部屋を一瞥し、そして愕然とする。というのは、ぼくという人間が実に「雑」にできていることを思い知らされてしまうからだ。何せぼくの本…


少女への手紙 (平凡社ライブラリー) 作者:ルイス キャロル 平凡社 Amazon 高橋康也・高橋迪による訳がほどこされた、ルイス・キャロルが(主に)少女たちに宛てて書いた書簡集『少女への手紙』を読むと「童心とは何だろう」とあらためて考えさせられる。その…


Alice In Wonderland (written by Lewis Carroll) All in the golden afternoonFull leisurely we glide;For both our oars, with little skill,By little arms are plied,While little hands make vain pretenceOur wanderings to guide. Ah, cruel Three! …

Cubism Person/歩くキュビズム

Cubism Person My boss always says I'm really dumbI feel like I start chewing sour plumBut how should I feel? I can't feel numbI wanna live by writing with basic income But it's not what I wanna say. It's just the startCause my friends I me…


純粋な幸福 作者:辺見 庸 毎日新聞出版 Amazon いまこの国にあふれている言葉とは、はたしてどんな言葉なのだろう。辺見庸『純粋な幸福』はそうした、縮めてしまえば「リアルな言葉」「リアルなこの国の光景」とは何なのかというきわめて素朴でかつ挑発的な…

My Dream Plan/ドリームプラン

My Dream Plan Susumu Hirasawa said our unconsciousness is greatBecause it products a lot of dreams through its gateBut if I talked about them, then I would hesitateHow do you feel about this opinion? Could you wait? Yesterday I wrote about…

Jail of Mine/ぼくの檻

Jail of Mine Even though within my dream, I've never become a femaleThen it can mean I've been caught in a sex jail?Yes, I'm only a prisoner of my imagination like a snailIf so, how can I get out of there? I need a holy grail? I'm a prison…


青い花 (岩波現代文庫) 作者:庸, 辺見 岩波書店 Amazon ぼくの場合、おかしなもので「どうしても小説は読めるのにエッセイは読めない」という作家やあるいは逆に「エッセイは腑に落ちるのに小説はどうも苦手」という人がいたりする。具体的に誰のことなのか…


Nomad "You should do what you want. you can do!"You always said so and it made me blueYou might have forgotten this. It's like a fluAlthough I thought your words weren't true I couldn't say this. What is my dream?I should do any therapies …

Within Ourselves/すべてはぼくらの中で

Within Ourselves I wonder how far I can think or imagine within my mindThis is banal, but I started thinking when I was quarantinedMy friends created various masks. Well, really well-minedThough at that time I had felt I must be a kind of …

Dreaming of a Party (in my 1LDK)/夢見るパーティータイム(悲しき1LDK)

Dreaming of a Party (in my 1LDK) Almost all the people say that I'm a strange manThat comment reminds me of Eminem's sad and great song "Stan"But who else can I be? I feel like I'm in a trash canWhere is my soulmate? I'm like Rocky Balboa …


詩とは何か (講談社現代新書) 作者:吉増 剛造 講談社 Amazon ぼくが詩に興味を持ち始めたきっかけは実はごく浅いもので、だから吉増剛造という詩人のこともまったくといっていいほど知らなかった。恥ずかしい話だ。今回、ぼくはそんな吉増の『我が詩的自伝』…


Lowlander Once I used to buy a lot even though I wasn't richCould I quote Radiohead? I had felt "my eternal itch"But now, I am satisfied with a few things as Nintendo SwitchI can't explain why this could happen... I must have "glitch"? Any…

The Bends/潜水病

The Bends I'm thinking about the final moment once I tried to look forI even tried to find the "suicide manual" at a bookstoreYes, I guess this kind of idea must be a very terrible hardcoreBut I can't say that I'm now free from that desper…

My Friend From Pangea/パンゲアから来たぼくの友だち

My Friend From Pangea I'm Tatsuro, a Japanese. This is a friend of mine, HydeIndeed, it's my imaginary friend. But it has always been my guideCould I describe it to you? Well, it must be blue-eyedI found it in a small town at a splendid se…

Sea of the Reality/現実海

Sea of the Reality Trent Reznor was right... Yes, everyone goes in the endBut I believe everyone I liked was a good friendI look at the addresses of them. Could I send?Can we talk about music again? What would they recommend? Sometimes I f…

See More Glasses/シーモア・グラッシーズ(眼鏡を外したチャーリー・シーン)

See More Glasses I might have become the one who can't be seenIt is since I was a kid. What can it mean?They have to wear glasses? Like the movie "Major League" sceneI can remember about them. Yes, they are like Charlie Sheen But wearing g…

How Can It Be?/なんでそうなるの?

How Can It Be? I have an idea which says "what's true?"I start doubting if the sky is blueAlthough it's useless... I am the fewI know that, but it's what I wanna do "Doubt and describe what you're gonna seeYou don't need anything because y…

We're Friends/ぼくらは友だち

We're Friends Once I went to a bookstore. It was a fine dayI bought a book and paid the money on the trayThe book was about two boys went into the milky wayRiding on a train... and they start traveling away After reading that one, I looked…


銀河鉄道の彼方に (集英社文庫) 作者:高橋源一郎 集英社 Amazon タイトルが示す通り、この本は高橋源一郎が宮澤賢治の『銀河鉄道の夜』を下敷きにして書いた作品である。設定としてはいちおうジョバンニとカムパネルラらしき少年たちが登場し、そして冒頭で…