

Searching For The Sea 1

Searching For The Sea

Once, when I was still young and fool, I had thought that I could be free from any nation, any place I had been born in. I can't see why I had such a silly idea, but maybe I disliked the Japanese essence in me. Or I should say I hated my Japanese BLOOD which had built this character and taste. If I could be born in America or England, or if I had blonde hair and blue eyes, if I could speak English as fluent as native speakers, then... Yes, I wished that kind of vanity idea.

I am this self, and no one else as Oasis sings. Probably, this is a primal, eternal question or aporia we have to face. Why I am this person? After that silly period, I started reading some of philosophical books which tell me that I can't separate myself from this point of view. At least, I accept Descartes's or Wittgenstein's idea in that way. I might be a ghost, or a human being with a body. Anyway, whether I am real or not real, I am this one.

I am this one. This one has been made from the influence with a lot of people, or a lot of THINGS outside of me. For example, today I ate a Japanese meal Chikuzenni. It is now a part of me. Now I am listening to Blankey Jet City (a Japanese rock group). Their music also excites me a lot. It must be a good piece of influence/affection... Then, it is not strange that I am truly Japanese and therefore almost all of my idea will show various Japanese essence/taste. However, now I feel that it must be embarrassing (or simply too young), I denied my Japanese essence and even adored here were any other place.

Recently I read Kojin Karatani's book about Souseki Natsume. Karatani is a Japanese philosopher and Natsume is a Japanese novelist. Now, I am looking for the origin/root of me. How has this person been made into the one? Don't misunderstand this... I don't deny myself anymore (but I NEVER say I am always, absolutely right!). I can't explain this feeling, but maybe now is that kind of period for me. I want to look back at my past days, but it seems I can't write it as a simple story. I want to write as my memory will start murmuring.

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?/ケネス、周波数は何だ?

What is the certain thing I can believe? If that kind of eternal/universal truth like the rule of gravity existed, how could I find that? I'm sorry for the dear readers, because my mind is now scattered by a lot of "buzzing" idea therefore I'm seriously confused... But I am diligently trying to write this as my inner voice says.

ぼくが信じられる確かなものはなんだろう? もしそんな永遠の/普遍的な真実、重力の法則みたいなものがあるとしたら、どうやって見つけたらいいんだろう? 読者よ、申し訳ない。ぼくのこころはいま、あれこれアイデアがざわめいて混乱している……でもぼくは内面の言葉にしたがって書く。

People say that I'm really mysterious. For example, they say "Why do you write your idea in English?" or "Why do you carry so many books to our workplace?". Yes, maybe I have to show them my id card to explain who I am (but they would say "it must be a fake"). I'm really sorry for the readers. I have to add this. There are certain co-workers who treat me as a good worker. They say I'm smart... but that "paradoxical" comment makes me confused again.


That's our life. We are a cluster of paradoxical members of this global society/community. And also, I have to accept that I AM also a cluster of paradoxical points of view. Once I hated Donald Trump. But now, I start thinking that he might not be an evil. But I want to stand within the liberal position... If I start thinking any single topic, my mind start working like this. And that's a kind of my character as an illness until I die.


Once, when I found I am autistic, I tried to save myself with/by this concept. I judged everything by this label. "I'm autistic, therefore I do mistakes. Don't blame me". I said this actually. In a way, it must be a kind of my belief. But as you know, the time is changing and our common sense also must change. I must change myself.


Oh my. Even though I've been living in a dome of Japanese language, I write a lot of English today. Then, I'm finding that "this self" must be one of the most enigmatic topic for me. This also means that I can't control myself completely. Does this make sense? When I was a child, I was often said that I'm a dirty person like plague. A strange kid... How could I do?


And now, I'm "vomiting" my anxiety. It seems I am getting angry. Now I won't say "Don't blame me". Instead, I say "I'm sorry, could you help me to solve this problem together?". Maybe, diversity would cure/work for us... This kind of answer is the one I can't get from any Chat-GPT.


Five Faces/5つの顔




では、別の言い方をすればぼくはそうした5つの自己/要素の混合で成り立っている……これはヘンだろうか? あるいは新しい発見だろうか? このインターネット時代、ぼくたちは自分たちにヘンな名前を与えてどれくらい自分たちが賢いか競い合っているのかもしれない(ひらたくいえば賭けだ)。そして、ぼくはこの外界に自分を表現するために「踊る猫」という名前をつけたのだった。いまは、皆がいくつかの名前や人格を1人の中に有している時代である。もちろん、この講義は目新しいものではない。インターネットによってはっきり見えるようになった。



Five Faces

I suddenly thought about myself. I can't see the reason why, but maybe I had thought Fernando Pessoa, who had used at least 15 names to write his poetry in different styles. I thought "Can I name myself another one to write new one in different style?". It might be because I have lived this life by using at least six faces to express myself.

I can't see how many faces I am having exactly. If I can name them, I will name as CHILDISH, PHILOSOPHICAL, POETICAL, LITERAL, and POLITICAL. CHILDISH is the one which always "annoys" me because of his lewd and greedy character. PHILOSOPHICAL always lets me think about various profound idea (sometimes it goes too deep). POETICAL appeared on the surface of my mind recently. LITERAL one is the bookish self which loves reading books. POLITICAL self often controls me to commit the world (For example, it lets me to go to vote).

Then, in other ways I have been consisted by the mixture of these five selves/essences... But is it strange? Or is it a new noticing? In this internet era, we are getting used to name ourselves any unique name which can show how great we are. And also, I had named myself as "disco cat" to express myself to the outer world. Now is, in a way, the era everybody might have a few personalities or names within oneself. Of course, this opinion is not new. But the internet made it visible.

But... I also think about this idea of naming myself as nonsense. Because, by following Pessoa, to separate self essence into each name can mean that to treat this self as a solid, static thing. I don't agree with that idea. The true I is just like liquid, or boiling magma, in other words it's shapeless like a cloud... This is the idea today I had.

Ghost in Me/ぼくの中の霊体



かつてぼくはこの謎の理由を見つけようとした。なぜぼくの脳はこう働くのか……そしてぼくは脳科学を少しずつ学んだ。たぶんぼくの発達障害の事実もこれに関連している。これらの科学的な説明はぼくの心には響かなかった。この問いは危険だと思った。なぜならそれはほぼ「なぜぼくはぼくなのか」「なぜぼくの脳はこんな感じなのか」、そして「なぜぼくはこんななのか」という主張へつながる。でもこれらの質問に「普遍的で絶対的な解」? あるんだろうか。




Ghost in Me

When I write my idea down like this, I deeply feel that the mechanism/skill of my memory has a certain mysterious/profound power. For example, I live in Japan and basically use Japanese in my daily life. I rarely think like "How can I say this Japanese word in English?". But when I start using English, somewhere in my brain the "English ghost" also starts working. Of course, I usually do the practice of using English. But then, why does my practice enable me to let our my opinions in English like this? In other words, Can we learn any foreign language effectively by using manuals? I don't agree with this? Each person should find their own personal and individual way to learn (even though the languages are basically used as the "communication tool" for us).

Once I tried to find the reason of this mystery. Why does my brain work like this... and I learned brain science step by step. Maybe the fact of being autistic could be related with this, too. But these scientific explanation didn't fit my mind. Yes, this asking could be dangerous because this is almost the same question as "Why I am I?", "Why my brain is like this?", and "Why am I like this?。". But these questions could have any "universal" truth/answer?

Yes... In a way, these are basically the ones from my silly attitude. Because we don't have to ask these questions for living our life peacefully. When I became an adult, I found that these ideas can be called as philosophy. Why does this world exist? Why can we deliver our wills by words?... Why, why, why. This reminds me of Oasis' "Champagne Supernova". Or, basically/primaly I'm a kid. So I still can't find any interest in earning money (even though I have a lot of problems of money management).

I've been a kid... then I must be a really strange, weird kid. And I won't deny this. But this strangeness is always standing by me. It is a part of this self. This fact can't be denied... Oh my! I'm thinking so deeply, and as you know my idea/writing often goes to various wrong and wasteful side topics. Now we can explain this character as a simple, magical word/term. Autism. But I'm too strange to accept this word as the final solution. Why autism exists? (It is an artificial concept somebody had created). My questioning always goes on like this. Like Boogie Down Production, I say "I think very deeply".

Everybody must be multiple/複雑で単純なぼくたち




ぼくはぼくの好きな歌の1つ、スクリッティ・ポリッティの「Boom! There She Was」を連想する。ヴォーカリストは高いトーンのクリアな美声で、「ぼくがどう誤解していたか知りたい。そうしたい」と歌う。ああ、ぼくはぼくのことを賢いと語る人を間違っていると言えるだろうか? あるいはぼくのことをバカだと言う同僚を間違っていると言えるだろうか? たぶん……でも、ぼくは両者の真ん中、センターに立ちたい。ぼくは賢くて愚かだ。忠実でゆがんでいる……シェイクスピアマクベス』みたいに。


Everybody must be multiple

Sometimes, some people say to me that I am smart. Anytime I am said so, I tend to imagine how would my co-workers of my company think. They would doubt their ears and say to me "For us, you are one of the dumbest dude we've met until now". As I always write, I start feeling like I have to divide/split this myself into two ones. The private, childish, and smart poet one and the public, dumb, and dutiful worker one.

Then, the real I is standing in the middle/center of these two selves... I guess so. The more I think about this issue, the more I get confused. Once I asked/consulted about this to one of my friends. She said to me, "The people who are saying about me are like the ones who are touching each part of the large, really large elephant. They can't see the total elephant itself".

I remember one of my favorite songs. Scritti Poritti's "Boom! There She Was". The vocalist sings by his high, clear and beautiful voice. "I wanna understand how I misunderstood and and I like it". Oh, then can I judge the people who judge me as smart as wrong? Or, can I say that my co-workers who judge me as the dumbest as wrong? Maybe... But, TBH I want to stay standing on the middle/center between both opinions. I am smart, and fool. I am dutiful and wicked... Like Shakespeare's "Macbeth".

Then, I can use this multiple points of view to other people. Everybody can have at least two faces. Or three, four... But those multiple faces are condensed into one. Everybody has only one face, and they carry it as a precious card to show others. Oh, my... Could you see what I am saying? In short, I am not just simple person even though the truth must always be simple.

Being Autistic on Earth/発達障害者の孤独




ならば、ぼくはこの人生を深い、深刻な孤独に耐えて生きなければならないのだろうか? いや、いま、ここには現に別世界がある。仮想現実世界だ。いま、ぼくはオンラインで哲学や文学やライフハックを語るミーティングを他の方と楽しむ。インターネットはぼくたちを会わせてくれる……そして、Discordや他のSNSを通して、ぼくは他の発達障害者と会いたいと思うようになった。もしこのリアルワールドだけで生きなければならなかったとしたら、ぼくは自分が深刻な変人だと思う偏見に悩まされて殺されていただろう。でもいま、ぼくはこの人生を自分のやり方を守ってぼくらしく生きればいいのだと思うようになったのだった。


Being Autistic on Earth 

At the lunchtime today, I listened to Sting's song "English man in New York". Suddenly, I had an idea that I am also "a legal alien" because I am an autistic. I have various strange and "brainy" manners in my life. For example, although I am Japanese and this is Japanese society, I have been trying to write my idea down in English on my memo pad. My co-workers say to me, "Your brain is really different from ours". I can't answer to them clearly, but maybe I am truly, literally "alien" from any outer planet.

The main character in "English Man in New York" lives his life with following his manners strictly. Me, I am also following my manners. I never read the manga, but read various classical authors like Souseki Natsume, a Japanese one. Also I've been writing in my journal every day on Facebook. It's often so stressful for me that I wish I could go back to any community or planet autistic people get together. The one I could call as the mother country, my mother land... But as you know, there is never being that kind of sweet one for us.

Then, I have to live this life with enduring deep, serious solitude? No, now there is certainly the another world. The virtual reality. Now I'm enjoying the meetings with other people to talk about philosophy, literature, and lifehacks online. The internet enables us to meet each other... And now, on using Discord or other social media, I started thinking that I want to meet other autistic people. If I lived this life facing the real world only, I would be killed by the bias which suffered me as a serious stranger. But now I can find that I can follow MY manners to live my life as I want to live. 

Truths Are Always Simple/真実はいつも単純

Truths Are Always Simple

Once I tried to show how I was really great
Because if the world accepted that, they would obey me
What a shame! Could I obey someone because of hate?
I had to accept others with love. Now I can see

Today I tried to write as usual, but couldn't do so
Because... maybe I tried to write a "classical" one. Oh my!
Now I decide to write my "natural" one. Here we go
I've written an old-fashioned truth? If you think so, tell me why

I strictly believe that every poet needs each reader who loves it
Maybe they diss you, but never think they must show their wit
Just try to keep on writing, and never give up. Do commit!

Yes, I'm an amateur poet. I'm not Keats or Shakespeare
But this kind of poor poetry of mine would give you a cheer
Probably tomorrow I'll sit the same seat and try to hear


ばかなことを! ぼくは憎しみのせいで誰かにひれ伏すことはない


