

Ghost in Me/ぼくの中の霊体



かつてぼくはこの謎の理由を見つけようとした。なぜぼくの脳はこう働くのか……そしてぼくは脳科学を少しずつ学んだ。たぶんぼくの発達障害の事実もこれに関連している。これらの科学的な説明はぼくの心には響かなかった。この問いは危険だと思った。なぜならそれはほぼ「なぜぼくはぼくなのか」「なぜぼくの脳はこんな感じなのか」、そして「なぜぼくはこんななのか」という主張へつながる。でもこれらの質問に「普遍的で絶対的な解」? あるんだろうか。




Ghost in Me

When I write my idea down like this, I deeply feel that the mechanism/skill of my memory has a certain mysterious/profound power. For example, I live in Japan and basically use Japanese in my daily life. I rarely think like "How can I say this Japanese word in English?". But when I start using English, somewhere in my brain the "English ghost" also starts working. Of course, I usually do the practice of using English. But then, why does my practice enable me to let our my opinions in English like this? In other words, Can we learn any foreign language effectively by using manuals? I don't agree with this? Each person should find their own personal and individual way to learn (even though the languages are basically used as the "communication tool" for us).

Once I tried to find the reason of this mystery. Why does my brain work like this... and I learned brain science step by step. Maybe the fact of being autistic could be related with this, too. But these scientific explanation didn't fit my mind. Yes, this asking could be dangerous because this is almost the same question as "Why I am I?", "Why my brain is like this?", and "Why am I like this?。". But these questions could have any "universal" truth/answer?

Yes... In a way, these are basically the ones from my silly attitude. Because we don't have to ask these questions for living our life peacefully. When I became an adult, I found that these ideas can be called as philosophy. Why does this world exist? Why can we deliver our wills by words?... Why, why, why. This reminds me of Oasis' "Champagne Supernova". Or, basically/primaly I'm a kid. So I still can't find any interest in earning money (even though I have a lot of problems of money management).

I've been a kid... then I must be a really strange, weird kid. And I won't deny this. But this strangeness is always standing by me. It is a part of this self. This fact can't be denied... Oh my! I'm thinking so deeply, and as you know my idea/writing often goes to various wrong and wasteful side topics. Now we can explain this character as a simple, magical word/term. Autism. But I'm too strange to accept this word as the final solution. Why autism exists? (It is an artificial concept somebody had created). My questioning always goes on like this. Like Boogie Down Production, I say "I think very deeply".