

Everybody must be multiple/複雑で単純なぼくたち




ぼくはぼくの好きな歌の1つ、スクリッティ・ポリッティの「Boom! There She Was」を連想する。ヴォーカリストは高いトーンのクリアな美声で、「ぼくがどう誤解していたか知りたい。そうしたい」と歌う。ああ、ぼくはぼくのことを賢いと語る人を間違っていると言えるだろうか? あるいはぼくのことをバカだと言う同僚を間違っていると言えるだろうか? たぶん……でも、ぼくは両者の真ん中、センターに立ちたい。ぼくは賢くて愚かだ。忠実でゆがんでいる……シェイクスピアマクベス』みたいに。


Everybody must be multiple

Sometimes, some people say to me that I am smart. Anytime I am said so, I tend to imagine how would my co-workers of my company think. They would doubt their ears and say to me "For us, you are one of the dumbest dude we've met until now". As I always write, I start feeling like I have to divide/split this myself into two ones. The private, childish, and smart poet one and the public, dumb, and dutiful worker one.

Then, the real I is standing in the middle/center of these two selves... I guess so. The more I think about this issue, the more I get confused. Once I asked/consulted about this to one of my friends. She said to me, "The people who are saying about me are like the ones who are touching each part of the large, really large elephant. They can't see the total elephant itself".

I remember one of my favorite songs. Scritti Poritti's "Boom! There She Was". The vocalist sings by his high, clear and beautiful voice. "I wanna understand how I misunderstood and and I like it". Oh, then can I judge the people who judge me as smart as wrong? Or, can I say that my co-workers who judge me as the dumbest as wrong? Maybe... But, TBH I want to stay standing on the middle/center between both opinions. I am smart, and fool. I am dutiful and wicked... Like Shakespeare's "Macbeth".

Then, I can use this multiple points of view to other people. Everybody can have at least two faces. Or three, four... But those multiple faces are condensed into one. Everybody has only one face, and they carry it as a precious card to show others. Oh, my... Could you see what I am saying? In short, I am not just simple person even though the truth must always be simple.